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Path of Daggers USA

The Path of Daggers is the shortest mainline novel of the series. And the first book to hit the New York Times Bestsellers list.

Rand Al’Thor and his troops attempt to push back a group of mysterious invaders that have reached the mainland. Although he has had some success in earlier skirmishes, and seems to have the upper hand. He in fact finds out that he is not as much in control of matters as he had thought, or wished. In addition he must face traitors in his own camp who seek to assassinate him. Although nations are succumbing to his forces, and plead allegiance to him quickly. And power is at his fingertips…Rand may learn that even in his victories there is also defeat.

Nynaeve and Elayne have come across a great store of ter’angreal, and seek to find a safe haven for them. The use of the Bowl of Winds has proven satisfactory, and the unnatural weather is reversed. Even amidst these events plots from the shadowspawn, and the black ajah, as well as political opponents are at work, and may soon come to fruition. Nynaeve and Elayne, and several other types of women who can coincidently channel as well must flee from the invasion that has hit the mainlands, or run the risk of being held captive for life.

Perrin seeks a madman who is a self proclaimed Prophet of the Dragon who has left heartache and destruction in his path all in the name of the Dragon. Rand has ordered him to capture him, and bring him to him. But along the way many obstacles arise to prevent this mission. Will Perrin capture the Prophet in time before more destruction happens?

The Amrylin of the rebel Aes Sedai, Egwene Al’vere, is dealing with her own issues. An opposing army stands against her denying her entrance into Andor. There is much fear of a conflict if she is allowed into the city, due to opposing sides of the Aes Sedai matter. Rumors circulate of a possible war between Aes Sedai, on both sides of the fence, who are  gathering in Andor. On top of this there is tension within the Black Tower (Rands school for training men who can channel) with the increase of Aes Sedai in the city.

Egwene declares a declaration of war upon Elaida, the false Amrylin.

Prophecies in the book:

1.  Who would sup with the mighty must climb the path of daggers.

-Anonymous notation found inked in

the margin of  a manuscript history

(believed to date to the time of Arthur

Hawkwing) of the last days of the

Tovan Conclaves

*On the heights, all paths are paved with daggers.

-Old Seanchan saying


Rating: 4 of 5 Stars

Publication Date: October 20, 1998

Publisher: Tor

Genre: Fantasy

Pace: Moderate

Pov: Third Person, Multiple Views

Pages: 604 (includes dictionary) Hardcover

Best Lines:  “A secret spoken finds wings”