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After Robert Jordans passing in September of 2007, the fate of the Wheel of Time was in question. And many fans wondered, and worried if the story would ever be told, or remain unfinished and forgotten. It had been well reported that Mr. Jordan famously said that he would destroy anyone who tried to work in his universe. However, at the end of his life he told his wife that after his passing, for her to find someone to finish the story for the fans. He believed they deserved the ending that he’d always told them was coming. In the last moments of his life he formulated the plots, made notes, and recordings of what he wished for the Wheel of Time series, and its characters.

After the death of Jordan, Brandon Sanderson left a eulogy on his site that was read by Jordan’s widow. She read some of Sanderson’s work, and chose him to be Jordan’s successor. And I must admit, even though at first, I was doubtful that picking Sanderson was a good choice.

Brandon Sanderson was born in Lincoln Nebraska in 1975. After a semester as a biochem major, he realized his true vocation was to be a writer. He graduated from Brigham Young University with a master in creative writing. During that time he wrote thirteen novels. In 2005, Sanderson published the sixth novel, Elantris,

Since then he has released novels for both young and old audiences. And is now known as one of the best fantasy writers alive.

You can visit his site at www.brandonsanderson.com

Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson

Sanderson worked from the notes, outlines, and recordings of Jordan, as well as the already written scenes Jordan left behind to complete the final books of the series. The last book was tentatively titled “A Memory of Light.” However, it was found that the sources of material would be to much to contain in one volume (which is what Jordan had wanted) and was decided to be broken up in three volumes. Each one being an installment of A Memory of Light.