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Towers of Midnight, the thirteenth book of the series is a wonderful installment of the Wheel of Time. Within in this book a great mystery is revealed that has been lingering since the fifth book. Below is the video that reveals that mystery. It gives me that tingling sensation from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

(Every time I watch this video I get the chills…remembering when Moiraine disappeared earlier in the series. I must say that I shed some tears reading the letter she left Rand before she disappeared. It was so unexpected.)

It is well known that I am a huge fan of the Wheel of Time series. And I want to state publicly that I think Brandon Sanderson has done a wonderful job of fulfilling Jordan’s vision of the series. I can certainly tell the difference between Jordan and Sanderson’s writing. They are similar, but different as well. But overall I believe he done a great job, and this series was saved in spite of Jordan’s death.

With the other reviews of the series I didn’t  do what some would say is a traditional review of the books. I’m not exactly a professional, and I’m not trying to be either. I gave more of a summary of the books instead of relating my personal feelings, etc.

I will conclude with this…the Wheel of Time is definitely worth the time with investment it takes in reading it. It includes love, pain, death, heroics, and adventures. You will find these things through each book of the series, and Towers of Midnight is no exception, and I’m sure the next book, which is the last book will not be any different.

My mind is blown! All I can say is Whoa! I’m finally nearing the end of this series, and what a mix of emotions that is. IN this book we see the plot advance more, and the Last Battle is now FINALLY gonna begin. This is a great read, and I encourage others to read it, and finish the series. It is worth it I believe.

Prophecies of the book:

1. It soon became obvious, even within the stedding, that the Pattern was growing fail. The sky darkened. Our dead appeared, standing in rings outside the borders of the stedding, looking in. Most troublingly, trees fell ill, and no song would heal them.

It was in this time of sorrows that I stepped up to the Great Stump. At first, I was forbidden, but my mother, Covril, demanded I have my chance. I do not know what sparked her change of heart, as she herself had argued quite decisively for the opposing side. My hands shook. I would be the last speaker, and most seemed to have already made up their minds to open the Book of Translation. They considered me an afterthought.

And I knew that unless I spoke true, humanity would be left alone to face the Shadow. In that moment, my nervousness fled. I felt only a stillness, a calm sense of purpose. I opened my mouth, and I began to speak.

-from The Dragon Reborn, by Loial,

son of Arent son of Halan, of Stedding Shangtai


2. Lo, it shall come upon the world that the prison of the Greatest One shall grow weak, like the limbs of those who crafted it. Once again, His glorious cloak shall smother the Pattern of all things, and the Great Lord shall stretch forth His hand to claim what is His. The rebellious nations shall be laid barren, their children caused to weep. There shall be none but Him, and those who have turned their eyes to His majesty.

In that day, when the One-Eyed Fool travels the halls of mourning, and the First Among Vermin lifts his hand to bring freedom to Him who will Destroy, the last days of the Fallen Blacksmith’s pride shall come. Yea, and the Broken Wolf, the one whom Death has known, shall fall and be consumed by the Midnight Towers. And his destruction shall bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men, and shall shake their very will itself.

And then, shall the Lord of the Evening come. And He shall take our eyes, for our souls shall bow before Him, and He shall take our skin, for our flesh shall serve Him, and He shall take our lips, for only Him will we praise. And the Lord of the Evening shall face the Broken Champion, and shall spill his blood and bring us the Darkness so beautiful. Let the screams begin, O followers of the Shadow. Beg for your destruction!

-from The Prophecies of the Shadow

Tor Books  32369 001

Full Cover Painting

Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Publication Date: November 2, 2010

Publisher: Tor

Genre: Fantasy

Pov: Third Person, Multiple Views

Pages: 861 (includes dictionary) hardcover

Best Lines: “When change comes, you can scream and try to force things to stay the same. But you’ll usually end up getting trampled. However, if you can direct the changes, they can serve you.”